When you get your first video game at age 4, start writing game reviews at 14, and host a nationally syndicated radio show at age 16, what do you do for your 18th birthday?
If you're Glenn Rubenstein, you help launch a new magazine. Scheduled to hit newsstands in December, Blaster is aimed at what it calls ''screenagers'' — people like that kid down the street who can install a sound card without breaking a sweat, who already has his own home page, and who has whomped video games you've never even heard of.
Rubenstein is the most prominent of a group of adolescent game reviewers who are a visible and credible link to the vast army of underage, primarily male joystick jockeys. That power makes the $6 billion-a-year game industry pay court. ''Most companies talk to me with either enthusiasm or fear, depending on what I said about their last product,'' Rubenstein said at his parents' house in Petaluma, Calif.
Read More at Entertainment Weekly:
Glenn Rubenstein: He Really Rates by Ty Burr
File Under: Blast from the Past